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Tag Archives: christmas

Thanks for the memories

Last night we said goodbye to 2011. In style of course, with champagne flowing and bellies filled to bursting. Today has been much about reviewing, reminiscing and enjoying the memories created over the past 12 months…


A month of discovery, learning self-feeding and what tactile fun can be had with lumpy porridge


Signalled the end of a tiring journey to my first half marathon. Completed in a respectable 2 hours and 15 minutes. An achievement indeed, one to hopefully build on in 2012


A third birthday this month. Enjoyed so much that he finally gave in to slumber still clutching his celebratory balloon


Royal history was made and enjoyed complete with patriotic face paint and little flags waved furiously at the beautiful princess on screen


Was a month spent enjoying the good (and not so good) British weather. Trips to the seaside made for much merriment with seaweed


Saw the first harvest of our veggies. Patience not being my strongest attribute (something of a weakness when trying to grow-your-own) I couldn’t resist pulling one of the babies up to see how they were coming along. Did this little guy a favour as it happened. His brothers and sisters sadly perished thanks to the dreaded root fly


Another birthday, this time for an excited 2 year old and the start of months of gorilla spotting around Bristol to celebrate Bristol Zoo’s 175th birthday


Provides one of the biggest events in the Bristol calendar, the international balloon fiesta. Sadly, I didn’t get any snaps of the festival itself but the wind was in our favour and I did capture the salt-and-pepper sky as the balloons came over our house


Provided us with a last opportunity to soak up the Indian summer sun. We took a trip to Slimbridge and made the most of the water park in the late summer heat


I picked up this little chap from a farm shop and as well as a (probably not so) spooky Halloween lantern, he provided pumpkin bread, muffins and a delicious soup, all for about £1.50. Who says you can’t eat well on a budget?


Chicken pox x2. A tough month


My absolute favourite time of the year. Christmas craft, cake, Baileys and sparkly things more than made up for a crappy November

So here’s to a happy and healthy 2012. Happy new year everyone x

Holidays are coming…

I don’t know if it’s because the kids are becoming more aware of it or it’s simply my inner-child fighting to get out but I am so excited about Christmas this year.  Finn is 4 in March and understands the whole Father Christmas thing (there may or may not be* a bit of Santa-related bribery going on) which only adds to my over-enthusiasm for the season.

This week there has been a whole heap of Christmas-ness going on in the house.  The tree went up at the weekend.  It’s Tree vs Max and, though it’s holding it’s own fairly well, Max is just edging the lead as I frequently find baubles in cupboards, drawers and the dog’s water bowl

The shops are full of fair isle goodies this year and, thanks to Abigail, I now have some lovely festive paper chains on order to go with my knitted bauble currently under construction

The boys and I made snowflakes to go on the window** and considering I’ve not done these for about 25 years, I think they look ok!

Earlier on this year, I started selling handmade cards.  Time, work and family commitments meant they had to go on the backburner for a while.  I think perhaps I was being a bit over-optimistic thinking I could run a business, look after 2 pre-schoolers (and, you know, sleep and stuff) and still find time to design and make cards so I kept my Etsy page and sold a few designs but didn’t do any Christmas cards or sell at local markets (as was my original plan). 

I have, however, made a few designs just for us to give to family and friends.  It’s put the fun back into design and has motivated me to re-start the engines and push the cards again.  I’m going to build my stock back up and perhaps get out to some markets in the new year.


Anyhow, as I type this the sun is streaming into the living room and I need to get my 2 very restless children out of the house so we’re off to enjoy this sunshine whilst it lasts (snow forecast today-really??)

* There is

** I made snowflakes, they made a mess

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